Monday, October 4, 2010

Portable Oxygen Concentrator Benefits

Approximately, two thirds of the human body is oxygen. When our need for oxygen depletes, our body also weakens. Even plants and animals need oxygen for breathing; how much more are we any different from them. Oxygen is life. It's a basic need every living being must possess. From medical conditions such as anemia to respiratory problems, an increase for the insist of a portable oxygen concentrator rises.

There are unique and proper types designed to provide whatever activity the user is focused at. A portable oxygen concentrator weighs less and smaller, suitable for performing daily mobility specially when traveling by air or by land. Having a portable oxygen concentrator is much easier compared to the big oxygen tanks. The benefit is in the fact that by using a portable system people has the freedom to move about and perform daily activities as normal instead of being confined to one location due to the usage of a stationary tank.

These portable devices differ from the usual type also in the fact that they do not store oxygen rather they pick up oxygen from the air that around us. Unlike the conventional type oxygen tank, a portable oxygen concentrator doesn't need to be refilled. Its oxygen doesn't run out because it runs on electric power. Easily, it provides users a continuous flow of their oxygen needed. All patients have to do is to simply plug it in or have a rechargeable battery in order to keep the oxygen flowing. The length of time that the device will last will depend on how often it is used.

Patients who require constant oxygen monitoring need not to worry because the device is readily available, without hospitalization or renting refillable oxygen tanks. These devices are not only for sick people, but also for healthy individuals who perform strenuous activities. For people performing extreme sports, like runners and other athletes, they need these devices to compensate for the loss of oxygen they use when they practice or when they're on a competition.
There are precautions that must be taken when using a portable oxygen concentrator. Some of the major protection is the following:

First, oxygen supports combustion, therefore users must be alert not to smoke or get near to people who smoke to avoid exothermic chemical reactions. Second, the patients must always be informed of all the safety measures for having a portable oxygen concentrator.

Another good thing about having a portable oxygen concentrator is that require for its maintenance is very smallest. Cleaning the filters with soap and water on a weekly basis should be enough. Then after one year, brand new filters can replace it. Users of the product must diligently refer to its operating manual for further knowledge on the guidelines and for the better usage and maintenance of the portable oxygen concentrator.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Easy Way to Maintain a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Portable Oxygen Concentrators System is one have the easiest and simply types of electronic devices to use and maintain. It seems like every month there is a new portable oxygen concentrator coming to market. So which one is the right oxygen concentrator for you? There are choices in size, weight, battery life, continuous flow and pulse flow .A lot of people feel that they are very confused to use and maintain because of how expensive they are. They may have the latest technology inside of them, but the manufacturers are smart when it comes to making these units patient friendly ways. When you get a portable oxygen machine the only type of maintenance that you will ever really need to worry about is cleaning the gross particle filter out. In the back of most of the portable machines you will need to pull this spongy filter out, which is normally a black filter, and wash it with water and soap.

When you are finished washing down the gross particle filter all you need to do is put it back into the machine. Normally companies will give you an extra filter so you can just replace it on the spot while you are cleaning the other one, so definitely make sure you are getting a extra one when purchasing your portable oxygen machine.

The compressor is the motor in the oxygen concentrators; it is what pushes out the oxygen through the tubing. There are some other pieces in these concentrators that do need servicing, but not very often, and the repair bills on most of these portable oxygen concentrators are very affordable, so nothing you really have to worry about. If under warranty most companies cover the parts and labor for free, and you just have to worry about the shipping. Another great thing is some companies will always have a back up plan for you just in case your machine goes down for any reason. That is one of the main questions you should always ask when purchasing a portable oxygen concentrator, make sure that company is going to back you up if something fails.

Traveling Portable Oxygen Concentrator Machine

Traveling with a portable oxygen concentrator Machine is really simple if you know the rules. The biggest problem seen when traveling with a concentrator is the airline. Some employees still do not know what they are. Some will give you wrong advice over the phone and when you get to the airport you find you are missing an important part of the unit and can't get on the plane. There is nothing more frustrating than hearing from one employee of the airline that says you are all set only to find out you are not after you get there.

Here are a few good tips to remember when traveling with portable oxygen. We suggest always making sure your batteries are charged. Do this the night before you leave. If you are renting an portable oxygen machine try and get it a couple days early to insure it is working perfectly. It is a machine and you don't want to find out there is a problem the night before you leave. Most airlines want you to have extra batteries no matter how long your flight is. So make sure you have extra batteries with you. Depending on how long your journey is and what portable oxygen concentrator you have will depend how many extra batteries you should have. You are probably going to use you concentrator on the way to the airport and use some of the battery power. As you probably already know there are plugs to plug into at the airport but there is regularly someone using them with there laptop computer. Some of the best advice I heard is to bring along an adapter for more plugs. This way you are not asking someone to give you there plug. You are just asking them to share plugs with you. It’s a lot easier that way. For Purchasing Portable oxygen Machine for traveling then please visit us our site or contact us our email id. We always try to give something good for your nice health and services too

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rental Portable Oxygen Machine

Affordable Renting Portable Oxygen Concentrators is the best thing ever. For any patients out there that can't afford to purchase a Oxygen Machine don't feel like you are having difficulties at home. You can actually still get out and travel because most of the companies that sell the portables also rents them! All patients can feel the freedom of the machines no matter if you can buy them or not.

Every company that I have talked with usually rents the units by the week. I haven't found any that have done it by the day. So go ahead and plan a trip for a week or even months! A couple of the companies will give you amazing prices for monthly rentals. It is nice to be able to see everyone be able to travel and experience life, these portable oxygen concentrators have made that all possible!Most companies that I have found renting these units normally go around 2000Indian Rupees a week. That is with one battery, if you need longer battery life then you need to rent more batteries, and sometimes the companies will take care of you. The only reason you would really need to rent additional batteries would be for traveling by air. Since the airlines want you to have 150% battery life, you want to make sure you have that otherwise your going to get to your terminal and they aren't going to let you in! The technicians or sales people, depending on who you call, will make sure to get you the correct amount of battery based off however many liters per minute you are on.

When it comes to renting the portable oxygen concentrators most people get confused. This type of renting is not for keeping the machine forever and just paying monthly. This is for more of just vacation purposes, and some companies have a rent to own plan. Where you can rent the machine for the week and they will actually take that first week off of the purchasing price of the oxygen concentrator.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Oxygen for Night Time Use

Public always are shopping around for portable oxygen machines, but no one can ever find the Long life save life Portable Oxygen Machine. No one really knows about this unit because it is not actually sold over the internet. Normally the only way to get the Long life save life Portable Oxygen Machine is if you go to your local home care provider sometimes they will actually have the units!

The great thing with the Long life save life Portable Oxygen Machine Portable Oxygen is that this oxygen concentrator only weighs 4.5lbs!!! There is no other machine that can compete against the weight of this unit. Many patients are on walkers, or just can't hold much weight on them at one time because of various different injuries. With the Long life you now are able to carry around a oxygen unit without even knowing you have one on you since it is so light!
There is still more great features to the Long life save life Portable Oxygen Machine! This oxygen concentrator doesn't even look like you have oxygen with you when you are using it. It looks like a little bag over your shoulder, and they even make a battery called, the Air Belt Battery. This belt matches the color of the traveling case for the portable oxygen concentrator and goes around your waist. Instead of having to put extra weight on your back with extra batteries, you now are able to just put the battery around your waist adding no weight to the unit at all!

The unit has an internal battery which will last for 3 hours on a setting of 2 Pulse. With the Air Belt Battery you are able to get up to 6 hours of battery life when on a setting of 2. If you are using only a setting of 1 you can get up to 10 hours of battery life with the Air Belt! This unit will go up to a setting of 3 on a pulse dose flow.

Never carry any important portable oxygen concentrators anymore! Now with the Long life save life Portable Oxygen Machine you are good to go with a lightweight oxygen machine. There is no reason you should have to add more weight to your back!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Portable Oxygen Concentrators

The Portable Oxygen Concentrators are allowed for use aboard commercial airline flights traveling within the United States as well as on international flights that begin or end in the United States. Each Portable Oxygen Concentrators tested and approved for flight travel.
A portable oxygen concentrator, (POC) also called a portable concentrator is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to a patient at largely higher concentrations than the levels of ambient air. It is very similar to a home oxygen concentrator, but it smaller in size and more mobile. The portable oxygen concentrator makes it easy for patients to travel freely; they are small enough to fit in a car and most of the major concentrators are now FAA-approved.

For Last Few Years lots of new number of manufacturers have introduced portable oxygen concentrators. These produce less than one liter per minute (LPM) of oxygen and use some version of pulse flow or demand flow to deliver oxygen only when the patient is inhaling. However, there is a portable oxygen concentrator with up to 3 LPM of nonstop-flow oxygen. This machine also has pulse flow available to either provide higher flows or reduce power consumption. These portable concentrators typically plug into a wall outlet like the larger, heavier inactive concentrators.

Portable oxygen concentrators usually can also be plugged into a vehicle DC adapter, and most have the ability to run from battery power as well, either for ambulatory use or for use away from power or for airplane travel. The FAA has approved portable oxygen concentrators for use on commercial airlines, although it is necessary to check in advance whether a particular brand or model is permitted on a particular airline.
For safety reason, it is powerfully optional that patients that use Portable Oxygen Concentrators on airplane flights carry enough extra batteries that will last twice the duration of the flight to ensure the battery power will not run out during flight. Also make sure your Oxygen Concentrator is in good working condition before the flight; if it is not, there are many companies that offer Concentrator Rentals so patients. Before your fly, you must obtain a prescription from your physician and submit to the airline that you are flying with.

Some of the popular current airlines that allow Portable Oxygen Concentrators on board are American Airlines, America West, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, Frontier Airlines, Southwest Airlines and US Airlines. Not all airlines allow Portable Oxygen Concentrators; please check with your airline to make sure that POCs are allowed on the aircraft.

For More Information visit us our site Portable Oxygen Concentrators

Monday, June 14, 2010

portable oxygen concentrators

Many people don't know that portable oxygen concentrators can also be used 24/7. It is not recommended of course since the big home oxygen machines are built for 24/7 use, while the portables are made for more just during the day or trip.

One of the only portable oxygen machines that will work 24/7. The reason behind this is because it gives out a continuous flow. Many patients don't know that continuous flow is what you need during night-time use. The reason behind this is because during the night about 85% of us are mouth breathers. If you are trying to use a pulse flow portable at night, and you are breathing through your mouth, it will not know when to give you oxygen. Pulse flow reads when you breathe through your nose and that is when you are given the oxygen. You will hear the noise and that is when it comes out. During the night you need that nonstop flow machine so even if you are breathing through your mouth your still getting the oxygen into your nose.

Even though continuous flow is what is optional during night time use, doesn't mean that pulse flow can't be used as well. The other 15% of us can sleep with pulse flow oxygen concentrators. I would only recommend this if you know from experience that you can, or if a doctor says you can. Some of us actually breathe through our nose at night, allowing us to use the pulse flow concentrator. Once again, only use a pulse flow machine during nocturnal use if you KNOW that you can from experience, or if your doctor tells you that you can.

Now always remember that if you are going to use portable oxygen concentrators 24/7 that they will not last as long. I recommend that if you have a home unit, and your around it use it! Those units are meant for 24/7 use, and our built to last. Hopefully after reading this I have helped you with knowing what you can or can't do with oxygen at night!

Monday, May 31, 2010

portable oxygen concentrators

There are many various type of portable oxygen concentrators on the market today. Everyone of these machines are still very easy to use. They are really just as simple as pressing the power button when you need to turn it on, putting it on however many liters per minute you are on, then turning it off when you are done. You do not have to be a genius to work one of these oxygen concentrators.

A lot of patients think that they are very hard to use because they are worth so much. The manufacturers of each of these units made sure to keep them nice and simple. The only reason why they are costly is because of the technology that is actually inside the portable oxygen machine. They just want to make sure you have a reliable and durable machine on you at all times! When purchasing or renting a oxygen machine, don't ever worry about not being able to use it. For any reason you can't figure out these machines there are always technicians out there that know these machines in and out, and are always more than happy to help out anyone!

When it comes to changing batteries, plugging in AC or DC Power Supplies, or putting a traveling cart on, it is all very easy things to do. Each machine comes with a manual that will tell you step by step how to work everything. These machines are here to help not to confuse you, so never get stressed out about using any of these portable oxygen concentrators there are always people there that will make sure to help you out!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oxygen therapy

Those who suffer from Hypoxemia i.e. low level of oxygen in the blood, Oxygen Therapy is the best management. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and once this process disrupts in a sense that the level of oxygen in the blood declines, the patient needs additional oxygen to fill in the deficiency to avoid breathing problems and other respiratory problems.

Oxygen therapy helps in improving oxygen distribution in the body tissues in the parts where the oxygen circulation level is low due to some wound or infirmity. In case of breathing problem, the oxygen recommended for breathing problem analysis helps in improving the oxygen level in blood and drive down the additional functioning of heart.

Oxygen therapy is usually arranged at the homes, however, in case of emergency; the patient can be treated at the hospital as well. At homes, oxygen is provided in air-compressed cylinders or canister where the patient inhales the oxygen through a mask or nasal annual connected to the canister. In the medical centers or hospitals, oxygen is provided in a patient's room by means of an outlet in the wall of the room. Oxygen is then passed from a central supply point via pipeline to each room, where a meter with a built in valve is fitted to the wall of the outlet to read and control the flow of oxygen in the room. It also helps in seminal how much wetness is required in the room.

Oxygen therapy is also accepted out through tents and specialized oxygen delivery system specifically designed for infants. Moreover, many other specialized oxygen delivery systems are available in the market that can be used according to the patient's requirements and conditions.

Pre-oxygen therapy: the patient meets with the health care provider who recommends the system to be used, based upon the supplies of the patient and his overall condition. In case of home based therapy, it is very important that the system should be user friendly, reliable, and cost effective. Furthermore, the range of oxygen delivery and the other features to be employed, during the process of therapy should be fully explained.

For More Information visit us our site

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oxygen Machine Manufacturers

Portable Oxygen machine Available in three special types of Oxygen Machine Manufacturers supply storage systems where the oxygen is supplied to the patient usually through a tube or from first to last a mask.

Portable oxygen Cylinders. (High-pressure cylinders). These mostly hold pure oxygen in its natural form, stored under pressure in a cylinder. There are different weights available although 8.5 lbs appears to be the most used one, followed by lighter weighing cylinders (down to 4lbs).
Liquid oxygen tanks. (Liquid oxygen units). Oxygen is reserved as a liquid at a temperature of -170 degrees Celsius. In the lower part of the tank the liquid oxygen is stored, and a smaller area above is where the oxygen has evaporate into gas. A control valve is opened to supply oxygen to the patient. Portable liquid oxygen tanks vary in size, based on their weight - when full it will be between 6 and 11 lbs. The portable system is refillable, which in turn requires a storage space pool unit that remains in a permanent place in the home.

Oxygen concentrators : Portable concentrators are a recent alternative dating since 2002. An oxygen concentrator extracts and separates oxygen from the air (the air we take in air contains around 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% other gases). The result is a regular supply of oxygen for patient use. There are various portable alternatives that are either battery powered or can be plugged in straight - some can be plugged into the cigarette lighter port in cars.
For More Information visit us our site :

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Portable Oxygen Concentrators System

Long Life save life provide medical and industrial air separation equipment, including PSA oxygen concentrators for in-home use and PSA and VPSA oxygen generating systems for commercial applications. We Also provide PSA oxygen generating system, PSA oxygen generator, oxygen generator, oxygen concentrator, portable oxygen equipment, portable oxygen concentrator, portable oxygen generator, O2 concentrator, O2 generator, VPSA oxygen generators, VPSA oxygen generating system, vacuum pressure swing adsorption, air separation equipment, air separation systems, medical oxygen, industrial oxygen, commercial oxygen, hospital central oxygen supply, hospital oxygen, hospital medical-grade oxygen, military oxygen, oxygen for emergency medical services, oxygen generator manufacturer, oxygen machine, onsite oxygen generator, on-site oxygen generator, oxygen cylinder filling plant, oxygen cylinders, oxygen gas separation systems, oxygen generating equipment, oxygen generating systems, oxygen generation, oxygen breathing devices, oxygen breathing equipment, home medical oxygen, home oxygen therapy, oxygen therapeutic equipment.
They are smaller units that are easier to carry while still providing the same service as larger units. As they are powered by electricity they are designed to receive energy through electric outlets and many also have a battery set up. They have become very famous as they have extended user's variants of activities.

Portable Oxygen Concentrators’s, as with their elder cousins the home oxygen concentrators, extracted and separate oxygen from ambient air.
The atmosphere is made up of gases, of which 19 to 21% is oxygen, 1-2% other gases and the bulk is made up of nitrogen. Some studies indicate that earth's atmosphere 200 years ago had an concentration of about 36%. There is a reduction of 0.8% approximately every 15 years according to some measurements, due to pollution and the destruction of forests tress or by nature. In some places oxygen is found at a concentration of 8% - depending on the pollution levels and/or altitude.

Getting back to Portable oxygen concentrators, they supply good & pure oxygen at the required flow rate. The oxygen, as with other oxygen delivery systems, is fed to the patient to the nose through a plastic hose (cannula) or a mask. Note: One of the things patients on oxygen therapy have to do is get used to breathing in through the nose; otherwise they will not receive the supplemental oxygen. Portable units vary in size, shape and weight according to the particular features of each separate model.

For More Information visit us

Monday, May 17, 2010

portable oxygen concentrator

There are many various type of portable oxygen concentrators on the market area today. Every one of these machines are still very easy to use. They are really just as simple as pressing the power button when you need to turn it on, putting it on however many liters per minute you are on, then whirling it off when you are done. You do not have to be a genius to work one of these oxygen concentrators.

A lot of patients think that they are very hard to use because they are worth so much. The manufacturers of each of these units made sure to keep them nice and simple. The only reason why they are expensive is because of the technology that is actually inside the portable oxygen machine. They just want to make sure you have a dependable and durable machine on you at all times! When buying or renting a oxygen machine, don't ever worry about not being able to use it. For any reason you can't figure out these machines there are always technicians out there that know these machines in and out, and are always more than happy to help out anyone!

Portable Oxygen Concentrators are one of the easiest types of electronic devices to use and maintain. A lot of people feel that they are very confuse to use and maintain because of how expensive they are. They may have the unique technology inside of them, but the manufacturers are smart when it comes to making these units patient friendly. When you get a portable oxygen machine the only type of maintenance that you will ever really need to worry about is cleaning the gross particle filter out. In the back of most of the portable machines you will need to pull this spongy filter out, which is normally a black filter, and wash it with water and soap.

When you are finished washing down the gross particle filter all you need to do is put it back into the machine. Normally companies will give you an extra filter so you can just replace it on the spot while you are cleaning the other one, so definitely make sure you are getting a extra one when purchasing your portable oxygen machine. POCs will normally last around eight to ten thousand hours before needing to be serviced. Normally that will average around 3-5 years depending on how much you are using the POC (portable oxygen concentrator). Normally the compressor is what is needing to be serviced during this time.

The compressor is the motor in the oxygen concentrators; it is what pushes out the oxygen through the tubing. There are some other pieces in these concentrators that do need servicing, but not very often, and the repair bills on most of these POC's are very affordable, so nothing you really have to worry about. If under warranty most companies cover the parts and labor for free, and you just have to worry about the shipping. Another great thing is some companies will always have a backup plan for you just in case your machine goes down for any reason. That is one of the main questions you should always ask when purchasing a portable oxygen concentrator, make sure that company is going to back you up if something fails.

Hopefully after understanding this article it has helped you realize that portable oxygen concentrators are not confusing to maintain, they are self-maintainable. If you ever have a problem maintain it yourself give some of these companies a call and I know for a fact that the technicians will be more than happy to answer your questions and help you out.

portable oxygen

For both patients and family members, the new alternatives in portable oxygen units mean greater freedom of movement. Ambulatory patients need oxygen systems they can use in a wide range of activities and that allow them to pursue their lifestyles.

The benefits of portable oxygen systems are extremely high, not only from the point of view of being able to move around, but also because it allows for a healthier lifestyle.

The new models not only mean new designs but also new technical applications that make them lighter and easier to operate. They mean longer lasting oxygen supply, they mean simplicity of use and they mean being able to regain your independence.

Portable oxygen systems are available as oxygen tanks or cylinders (compressed oxygen or liquid oxygen) or as oxygen concentrators.

The shape and size of portable oxygen tanks have been redesigned making them easier to move and carry.

Many patients are using combinations of systems that are fulfilling their requirements. Whatever the choice, the important thing is that portable oxygen systems are helping people and expanding their range of activities.

Patients dependent on oxygen can now move and be more active as these systems have been designed with your needs in mind.

One of the major requirements of a portable oxygen system is that you can easily carry it, you can move it around without any gymnastics and you can store it easily and without any problems - the new systems let you do this.

From the point of view of someone who needs oxygen, these new models have extended your range of activities as they are easier to place in vehicles, in public places or in friends’ houses - and this means you can get out more with less stress.

For More Information visit us our site

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Effective Home Oxygen Machine

When Is Home Oxygen Needed?

Blood gas levels crapper depart from period to period depending upon your lung information and another medical problems. In the hospital setting, gas activity is ofttimes finished on individual occasions when someone is quite ill. For bag oxygen, activity is ofttimes is prefabricated after recovery from whatever accent medical problem when medical communication is stable and no incident is present. The turn of gas is spoken as a line rate, in liters per time (usually between one and four liters per minute). It will also be recommended the sort of hours per period during which the gas should be used.

Taking arterial blood, commonly from an artery in the wrist does activity of murder oxygen. If the gas take (PO2) or the gas saturation is low, bag gas haw be prescribed. A repeat murder sample haw also be condemned patch gas is being given.

Who Oxygen Machine Benefits?

Oxygen is an essential part of life. Normal healthy grouping commonly hit a murder gas take above 85 units (mm Hg). In grouping with lung problems, the take haw start to baritone levels even though the body crapper move to action normally. When gas levels start beneath 55-60 units, added gas haw be helpful. Chronic obstructive pulmonic disease (COPD) is the term utilized most commonly to describe smoke-related conditions much as emphysema and habitual bronchitis. Patients with these problems haw hit severe lowness of respite with a con natural gas level. In the later stages of COPD, baritone gas levels embellish more common. Supplemental gas in patients with severe COPD and baritone gas levels of 55-60 units or below, prolongs chronicle and in whatever cases also improves the caliber of their life. Patients who ingest their added gas for 24 hours a period show a individual chronicle span than those who ingest it for 15 hours; and these grouping in turn do better than those who ingest it exclusive during sleeping hours.

The aforementioned criteria are utilised for gift gas to grouping with another diseases much as cystic fibrosis and pulmonic fibrosis. Oxygen haw also be utilised for relief of breathlessness in patients who hit lung cancer when the murder gas is low. Oxygen is supplied for crisis ingest to patients who hit had severe accent life-threatening attacks of asthma, or for severe cardiopathy heart disease when these patients hit a baritone gas level, when maximal medical communication has been given and heart surgery is not possible.

Does Oxygen Help Every Cause of Breathlessness?

People with lung disease undergo from lowness of breath, specially on fleshly exertion. In whatever cases this haw mean a baritone murder gas level, but there are whatever another causes of breathlessness. These include tedium of the breathed muscles, fluid on the lungs, closure of the airways (mucus, sputum). Many patients attending that they hit received gas for communication of lowness of respite patch being in the hospital. This has mostly been compounded with another treatments for the underlying causes of lowness of breath. The start in murder oxygen, which haw occur during a flare-up of a lung condition, improves after treatment, and in whatever cases boost gas is not required.

Although the ingest of gas in these cases haw also assuage lowness of breath, in whatever cases it does not. It is important to undergo that the reason for gift gas in COPD is to improve calibre of chronicle and not to assuage lowness of breath.

Many grouping with lung disease wager brief of respite during fleshly exertion, but not every will hit a start in their gas levels. To encounter out if your murder gas falls with exercise, the gas take is rhythmic at rest, and then during exercise. The turn of training you crapper action and the take of gas at the modify of training when breathed room expose is then compared with that patch breathed oxygen. Some grouping definitely goodness from gas during exertion. If a goodness is demonstrated, it is recommended that you ingest your gas \"as needed\", which means during whatever activity which normally causes you to embellish brief of breath. If no goodness is demonstrated with oxygen, advert that there are whatever another causes of breathlessness likewise a baritone gas level.

How Is Oxygen Given?

The most common method for bag gas conveying is the gas concentrator. It is about the size of a TV and is an electrically driven machine that concentrates gas from the expose finished a fine sieve (mesh). Electricity is utilized for whatever hours in the period from a accepted noesis outlet. These machines wage the turn of gas necessary to alter the baritone murder gas levels. They do not remove gas from a room whatever more than an grown would by ultimate breathed from the aforementioned room air. Cost rebates haw be acquirable finished your local electricity supplier if you are a do nee or a veteran.

Added gas is commonly delivered into the look finished fleecy impressible prongs bespoken to conduit which fits onto the outflow port of the concentrator. Long lengths of conduit are also acquirable to allow you to move around your house more freely patch wearing the prongs. Nasal prongs also enable you to ingest your gas patch intake or drinking.

Most grouping hit no problems with bone prongs. Occasionally whatever grouping haw attending hurt or drying of the bone membranes, but this crapper be reinforced by applying a water-based lubricant (NOT OIL-BASED) to the look individual nowadays per day. At the most common line rates (up to 4 liters per minute), added liquid humidification is not commonly required to keep the look moist. If needed, humidification crapper be added by using a \"bubble bottle\" containing water, finished which gas is bubbled.

People whose training power is accumulated a aggregation by added gas goodness from lightweight takeout gas cylinders or liquid oxygen. They are acquirable in a holder with wheels. Even small cylinders haw be carried in a holster over the shoulder, or in backpack. In order to get these small cylinders to last individual before needing a refill, they are mostly fitted with a conservation device. These ultimate battery-operated devices curb the line of gas from the chamber to the bone prongs. They conserve gas be delivering a brief pulse of gas exclusive when breathed in, kinda than continuously as with con natural gas cater systems. This keeps gas from being wasted patch breathed out. This prolongs the time each gas chamber lasts by at least 3 to 5 times.

Larger gas cylinders are also provided in the bag to serve as back up to the concentrator in housing of mechanical or noises unfortunate for those requiring gas 24 hours a day.

Oxygen Safety

Oxygen ingest in the bag is safe. Oxygen does not explode; however, it does support combustion.

This means that you staleness not smoke patch wearing oxygen, and you should not wear your gas patch close to gas stoves, lighted fireplaces, or whatever another sources of modify or open flame. There hit been cases where bone prongs hit caught fire as the wearer was smoking during gas use.

Traveling With Oxygen

The gas concentrator is transportable and haw be condemned in the automobile if you are thinking to be away from bag for whatever long periods of time. It staleness remain in an upright position and haw be carried in the trunk of you container (if super enough), or standing up on the back seat, with a rear centre track to stop it in place. Keep your gas cylinders secured in your container (not actuation around). Some airlines and buslines will circularize concentrators, so analyse before traveling. Safety regulations forbid the ingest of patients’ own compressed gas equipment in flight. However, airlines crapper wage much equipment and arrangements are in place to encourage grouping with lung disease to circularize out expose travel.

Oxygen Machine Summary

There are whatever constructive benefits from bag gas treatment. Most grouping report that with a some changes to their lifestyle, a good caliber of chronicle crapper be maintained. Complaints including being addicted to oxygen being equal to a machine and living on the modify of a impressible tube\", prove to be quite wrong. When compared to being in the hospital, experience at bag with added gas communication allows curb of daily chronicle and mostly improves the way grouping feel.

With the increasing ingest of takeout gas equipment, we today wager more grouping out and about at the shops, theater, or only walking the dog; grouping who would otherwise be frightened to leave their face door.

The ingest of long lengths of conduit at bag with the concentrator close to the external entrance-way allows time in the garden or only sitting outside.

Most grouping encounter being self-conscious with gas equipment is short-lived, and once confidence improves the constructive benefits quickly outweigh whatever embarrassment.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Home Oxygen Machine

Home Oxygen is an essential part of life. Normal healthy people usually have a blood oxygen level above 85 units (mmHg). In people with lung problems, the level may fall to low levels even though the body can continue to perform normally. When oxygen levels fall below 55-60 units, added oxygen may be helpful. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the term used most commonly to describe smoke-related conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Patients with these problems may have severe shortness of breath with a normal oxygen level. In the later stages of COPD, low oxygen levels become more common. Supplemental oxygen in patients with severe COPD and low oxygen levels of 55-60 units or below, prolongs life and in some cases also improves the quality of their life. Patients who use their added oxygen for 24 hours a day show a longer life span than those who use it for 15 hours; and these people in turn do better than those who use it only during sleeping hours.

The same criteria are used for giving oxygen to people with other diseases such as cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis. Oxygen may also be used for relief of breathlessness in patients who have lung cancer when the blood oxygen is low. Oxygen is supplied for emergency use to patients who have had severe acute life-threatening attacks of asthma, or for severe angina heart disease when these patients have a low oxygen level, when maximal medical treatment has been given and heart surgery is not possible.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Asthma Oxygen Therapy Treatment

Asthma Oxygen Therapy Treatment
Asthma Oxygen is a disease that causes the tubes within the lungs to constrict or narrow, making it difficult for patients to take full breaths. Depending on the severity of the asthma, doctors may prescribe a variety of treatments, including oxygen therapy.


Oxygen therapy is typically used to treat moderate, severe and extreme cases of asthma. To determine whether or not a patient requires oxygen therapy, physicians perform oximetry, a process that involves placing a tape probe onto a fingertip or earlobe in order to measure the oxygen levels of blood.

Oxygen therapy involves attaching a source of oxygen to specialized tubes. At the end of the tubes can be a nasal prong or face mask that the patient wears. Breathing the oxygen through the apparatus increases the supply of oxygen to the body of the asthmatic patient.


Asthmatics who receive oxygen therapy experience a variety of benefits, including better sleep, increased alertness and more stamina. In emergency attacks, it also prevents any damage to the heart.